Thursday, January 10, 2013

CatGenie 60 Hack

I purchased a CateGenie 60 second-hand few months back and after getting comfortable with the setup, maintenance, and routine, I've become a fan. I'd heard good things about the latest and greatest product (the CatGenie 120) but mixed reviews about service and support in certain contexts so I opted to hold off on upgrading.

A friend and I recently undertook a weekend project that yielded a modified Arduino-based cartridge that allows one to dispense any solution of their choosing in perpetuity.  In my case I used a repurposed plastic bottle as a reservoir and the modification proved to be a very, very welcome enhancement.  Out of respect for PetNovations, their products, and their business model, I've opted not to post the details of my project -- despite my being very pleased with the results.  That said, any ambitious DIY enthusiasts comfortable with the idea of potentially voiding their warranty might find some useful resources on

1 comment:

  1. Long time ago we did something similar by building a cartridge resetter and refilling the carts with simple green pet solution. Simply insert the cartridge, press the button, and back to 60 cycles. It also reads the number of remaining cycles. It's lasted many years. As of late, no more cats as they have all passed away, but just happened to remember the resetter.
